Singing The Faith (uk, 2011)music For Your Church Services

Service sheets and resources for use at home Live-streamed services Doing your own live-streaming Prayers for the dying, the bereaved, and for when you can't get to a funeral Resources for personal prayer and Bible study An Act of Spiritual Communion A Methodist Love Feast, adapted for online use Epiphany Hope Additional worship resources. Singing the Faith. Editor: Peter Brophy: Publisher: Hymns Ancient & Modern for the Methodist Church, London, 2011: Denomination: Methodist Church (Great Britain) Language: English: Indexes. Authors First Lines Tune Names Topics Scripture. Sing the Faith, Geneva Press (1993) Triumphant Service Songs (1934) Worship & Rejoice, Hope Publishing; The Worshiping Church, Hope Publishing (1990) Majesty Hymns, Majesty Music (1996) Rejoice Hymns, Majesty Music (2011) Christian Hymns (hymnbook), Evangelical Movement of Wales (1977; 2d edn. 2004) Banner Anniversary hymnal - Australia. Castle Street Methodist Church, Cambridge, UK, hosted an event called 'Singing OUR Faith, where Christians from all over East Anglia, came together to sing.

We are sorry to announce that the church building will be closed for public worship whilst we are in Tier 4. Worship will continue online.

Room hire can be booked for future dates
Singing The Faith (uk, 2011)music For Your Church Services

We realise these are difficult times for everyone. We pray you will know the comfort of God – our Immanuel, God with us – with you at this time and always.

Some services are live-streamed on Facebook.

We continue to worship online, too, at Facebook/carrslanelife and Facebook/carrslanelivedcommunity
Daily prayer is live streamed on:

Worship on Sunday 24 January 2021 is led by Jason McMahon

Download the order of service for 24 January 2021 as a PDF file

Click to go to our Facebook page now.
(You do not need a personal Facebook account to access the page and service)

Videos of previous services are available to see on YouTube

Click to go to our YouTube channel

‘Jesus said:

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled,
and do not let them be afraid. – John 14 verse 27’

Daily prayer

You can follow daily prayer live online from Monday to Friday at 8.30am and on Tuesdays at 6.30pm with the Carrs Lane Lived Community. At 7pm on Tuesdays there is also a short reflection followed by a discussion on Zoom with those who choose to join in. Go to the Carrs Lane Lived Community Facebook Page

Find us on Facebook for updates and messages and to send us prayer requests. Go the Church at Carrs Lane Facebook Page

Worship online

Whilst churches are not meeting there are a number of options for you to connect with worship this coming Sunday morning.


Birmingham Methodist District Live Sunday Worship
Our Methodist District will be streaming worship live this coming Sunday on their Facebook Page. Click on the above link on Sunday morning (22nd March) just before 10:30am to join them. You do not need a Facebook account to watch it.

Wesley’s Chapel Live
Wesley’s Chapel in London will also be streaming live each Sunday morning on YouTube, only at 11am, click on the link above at that time to join in. Again, no account required.

Radio and TV (please remind friends who are not on the Internet about these TV and radio programmes)

We shall also post news in our News section.

Sharing in Worship

We would normally offer a range of worship styles and opportunities to share in prayer and worship. You will find different styles, different times, and different days. In our more formal services we draw on the traditions of the United Reformed Church and the Methodist Church.

Singing The Faith (uk, 2011)music For Your Church Services

All these acts of worship have one thing at heart, however: an honest attempt to understand what it means to respond to Jesus’ command to ‘Follow me’.

Singing The Faith (uk 2011)music For Your Church Services Online

New ways to worship

We are currently developing new ways to offer worship with our regular congregation and with anyone who would like to access digital ways of coming together for worship.

Worship in usual circumstances

In normal circumstances on a Sunday, a good number of people gather to share in morning worship at 10.30am. This service is often fairly traditional in format (but not over-formal), with challenging, relevant teaching and a mixture of styles of music.

What to expect

Sunday morning worship lasts about an hour and refreshments follow the service. The theme of the service is always made clear at the beginning; it is often based on the lectionary readings, or arise out of a particular series of themed services. Whilst the tone is usually calm and ordered, we provide ample opportunity for full congregational involvement and participation. We provide a printed order of service, which is available to see in advance here.


The quality of teaching is important and the role of music is taken seriously: congregational singing is vigorous – the books in most regular use are the Methodist ‘Singing the Faith’, the URC ‘Rejoice and Sing’, and ‘Common Ground’ – and the music is complemented by the choir and the singing group. Whilst this service is recognisably traditional in format, great care is taken to ensure that it is accessible to visitors and that all feel welcomed and valued.


Communion is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. The church has an ‘open table’ for communion so you do not need to be a church member. We use gluten free bread, and non-alcoholic wine is distributed in small cups. Occasionally there is also the option of alcoholic wine in the common cup.

At the present time, Junior Church comprises a group for young children. It is offered on most Sundays except on the fourth Sunday in each month when worship is informal and does not include a sermon. A children’s area is available every week in the church room.

Read more about our Children’s Ministry.

Acts 2:38 ESV - And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

1 Peter 3:21 ESV - Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Romans 6:4 ESV - We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.


Baptism Songs and Hymns

Singing The Faith (uk, 2011)music For Your Church Services

Here are seven great hymns for a baptism service.

Blessed Redeemer

Blessed Redeemer by Casting Crowns showcases the walk to Calvary or the so-called “Via de la Rosa” or “the way of misery.” Just hearing the lyrics takes you to the cross as it “Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree. Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading. Blind and unheeding, dying for me.” That is what made them run to the cross; for mercy and forgiveness and then, not long after that, it is followed up with a believer’s baptism. The blessings of being redeemed are incalculable.

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood

This is a very old Christian hymn written by William Cowper in 1772, this majestic work of poetry and song has moved many to faith in Christ. The words are relevant for any time we worship but even more so for the newly converted saint who was just “plunged beneath the flood,” “filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins” at the cross. This is how they can sing, “lose all their guilty stains,” and have “Washed all my sins away” for this overwhelming flood “ransomed the church of God.”

Grace Like Rain

The worship song, “Grace Like Rain” by Todd Agnew is so optimistic and joyful for the person who’s had their sins washed away and been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. It’s grace, like rain, that washes us clean and to be seen as having Jesus’ righteousness is grace to the greatest (2nd Cor 5:21). All our sins are washed away,” he sings, “washed away, washed away” so “Hallelujah.” It’s like Todd Agnew took John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” and compared it to an overwhelming flood that washes all our sins and stains away…forever!

Singing The Faith (uk 2011)music For Your Church Services Near Me

Nothing but the Blood

This classic has been redone by dozens of bands, from local church musicians to contemporary Christian rock bands and this song, “Nothing but the Blood.” written by Robert Lowry in 1876, refers to the blood of Jesus Christ washing away our sins and this “Oh! Precious is the flow. That makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Jesus is the only way to have our sins washed away (Acts 4:12) and receive eternal life (John 3:16). It is nothing but the blood and nothing plus the blood, but “nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

Who am I

Singing The Faith (uk 2011)music For Your Church Services Inc

“Who Am I” was a Christian rock song recorded by Casting Crowns, written by Mark Hall and released in 2004, this song focuses on the humility and unworthiness of the sinner about to be plunged beneath the water and truly I can say, it was “Not because of who I am. But because of what You've done. Not because of what I've done. But because of who You are.” The Apostle Paul’s words to the Romans that “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Rom 6:4) as coming up out of the water is symbolic of the death of the old man and the new creation in Christ coming up (2nd Cor 5:17).

Singing The Faith (uk, 2011)music For Your Church Services

Come to the Water

Matt Maher‘s “Come to the Water,” released in 2006, is a splendid song for baptism because it signals to everyone who’s not yet “come to the water” needs to come today! We can all come, without money and without a price for it’s free to all who believe as he sings, “O let all who thirst. Let them come to the water. And let all who have nothing. Let them come to the Lord” and “let all the poor. Let them come to the water. And let the ones who are laden. Let them come to the Lord.”

Something in the Water

Carrie Underwood’s song, “Something in the Water,” included vivid images of water baptism as she sings, “I followed that preacher man down to the river. And now I'm changed. And I'm stronger. There must've been something in the water.” This is just what baptism symbolizes; a new creation because the person being baptized, like all of us, is commanded to repent and be baptized after having placed our trust in Christ. Chris Destefano and Brett James combined to write a moving, passionate song that seems well suited for baptism, either before or after.

Baptism Songs: Conclusion

I am sorry if I left one out that you believe should be included. If so, please comment and let us know what it is. I know that each person may have a special song that they love which for them is perfectly suited for their own baptism. What matters is that they have repented and trusted in Christ and that’s what saves them (Acts 4:16:30-31). No one can be saved any other way (Acts 4:12). Have you been saved but never been baptized? Why not? It’s an outward, public sign of an inward conversion but it takes humility. By being baptized, you are making a public profession of faith and obeying the command to be baptized, and now it’s your turn to go and make disciples of all nations so that they can also be baptized into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19-20).

Article by Pastor Jack Wellman