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If you are eligible (top 4% of your HS, based on 10-11 UC GPA), you are guaranteed a lower tier UC, basically UCR and UCM. ELC may help slightly at other schools, though it probably won't mean much as a ton of applicants applying to the top schools are more than likely ELC eligible too. Please contact our National Director, Georgina Craig, directly to talk about ELC on: M: 05 E: Alternatively, contact us via our online form.
ESU #3 and ELC Omaha Region continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation. Our first priority is the health and safety of staff and participants, which is guiding decision making along with the latest information from community health organizations.
Activities, encouragement, and professional learning opportunities (online) to support you during this unprecedented situation can be found on the Newsletter page.
How It Works Electric Guitar
The Early Childhood Links page has resources and information on COVID-19 and is being updated as needed.
Early Learning Connection Omaha Region
Early Learning Connection (ELC) Omaha Region works collaboratively with regional partners in the counties of Cass, Douglas, Sarpy and Washington to ensure that a wide variety of professional learning opportunities are offered in response to the needs of educators who work with and care for children birth through age eight.
How It Works Electric Cars
For more information, contact Jennifer Haggart, Early Learning Connection Coordinator,
The work of ELC Omaha Region and all publications are made possible by Grant Number 93.575 Child Care and Development Block Grant from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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