Vista Defrag Boot Time
Defragmentation is executed in the background while the system is running and normally optimizes most files. Some system files, however, are locked by the operating system while it is running. These files can only be defragmented when they are not being used by the operating system. This is only possible at an early start phase of Windows, even before the graphical login prompt appears. At this point, no system operating processes are enabled and you cannot start any application. This phase is called Boot time defragmentation.
Puran Defrag is an easy to use disk defragmenter that offers boot-time defragmentation, automatic defragmentation, intelligent directory optimization, background (low priority) operation and optimization of free space. Other features include built-in scheduling, automatic restart or shutdown after defragmentation and integration with Windows. Quicker System Boot Time. As your computer getting older, it takes longer to startup your computer and begins to work. Smart Defrag helps fix this problem easily. Configuring Boot Time Defrag feature, those files on HDD that cannot be moved while system is running can be quickly defragmented for faster startup.
It is now possible, using this feature, to defragment a file which is being used exclusively by the operating system. Depending on the operating system, for example, this can be the swap file, the registration database as well as the MFT (Master File Table).
- The options for the boot time defragmentation can be easily set in the settings dialogue under boot time defragmentation.
- Please select whether you want to useboot time defragmentation regularly at every system start or one time only at the next system start.
You can also disable boot time defragmentation.
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New Auslogics Disk Defrag V2.1.1.30, Out Now.
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Auslogics Disk Defrag - free. software downloads and reviews - CNET
or through Brink's Free Software List for Vista, and the Auslogic Disk Defrag link to their website here;
Disk Defrag - Reclaim the Speed Of Your Disks
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which has a boot mode operation that can be enabled to defrag system files before they are locked. This does not seem to be working properly. It does not seem to be doing anything with the pagefile (even though it is in the explicit file list). Perhaps I have not found the correct command line switches yet. Both Defraggler and UltraDefrag were recommended by Kim Komando in her newsletter
Defragment So Slow
Feb 9, 2009I thought I had asked this before but upon searching I found that I did'nt and could not find anyone else posting about this, so here I go again. I like using Auslogics Defrag, but its taking an absolute eternity to defrag, I tend to defrag after every install of a game and I installed another game this afternoon and its still defragging now, is this normal?? does'nt feel like it
My only thought is and I'm just guessing that would it be at all down to the fact that I have disabled index searching, or even the system restore being on? I'm annoyed at the fact that its taken almost all afternoon to defrag and counting
Cannot Defragment And Restore
Mar 23, 2008I cannot defrag. or restore. The Dell tech. said that he found a few files which cannot be repaired by SFC/Scannow. I told him I probably needed to take it into a PC shop, as he wanted me to reinstall Vista and I don't think I can do that. He said to tell the shop to perform CHKDSK/R. Is this something I can do at home, find and delete corrupt files, without uninstalling and reinstalling Vista? I just used defrag.
Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems
May 13, 2008measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista
Here's my ReBoot-Time:
Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon
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Manually Or Auto Defragment?
Sep 17, 2009I am using Smart Defrag 1.20. The thing I would like to know is
1. Is it worth having your hard drive auto defragged?, or,
2. To manually defrag the hard drive, once a week?
As I think that running the auto defrag is using a bit to much in resources?
Auto Defragment And Norton 360
Apr 24, 2008I recently upgraded my Norton's Internet Security to Norton 360 - which contains a disk optimizer (defrag). Prior to upgrading Norton my Vista Defrag tool worked fine no problem and always on schedule. After the upgrade to Norton, I was setting up the program and the defrag tool in Norton said 'pending' which I left alone, because I was comfortable using the native defrag utility. However, now the vista defrag does not work. I went into the the vista tool to look at the schedule and it gave the last run date ( I had it set to weekly on Wed at 1am).
The next scheduled defrag said 'Never' despite the box checked 'run automatically'. I then unchecked the box and rechecked it, and then it gave the next scheduled date which I changed to that evening. I left it alone until the next morning and it not only did not defag per the schedule but the Vista tool said next scheduled defrag 'never' and Norton was back to Pending again. I have to assume this has something to do with Norton. I am told that Norton's defrag tool is tied to Vista's tool.
Automatic Defragment Does Not Occur
Jun 7, 2009I'm running Vista Home Premium. I have the Vista defrag set to go automatically on the first day of each month at 9 PM. The settings are correct on screen. However, it says next scheduled defrag = never, and the automatic defrag does not occur. I have to start it manually each month. I do not know what is wrong, nor how to fix it.
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We have to reset the clock and time zone, every time when we get to new
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Defragment Doesn Working Properly
Nov 25, 2009After functioning properly since I got a new computer with 64-bit Vista nearly a year ago, the defragmenter now does its 'spinning' for about 5 minutes and indicates: 'Your file system performace can be improved. It is recommended that you defragment now.' When I click on 'Defragment now...' it spins again for about 5 minutes and repeats the same message. This repeats each time.