Oracle Vm Virtualbox Extension Pack Opensuse 11 4

  • OpenSUSE 11.4 / 12.1 / 12.2 i386 AMD64; VirtualBox 4.3.2 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All supported platforms VirtualBox 4.3.2 (released 2013-11-01) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added.
  • HI all, Just started to use VirtualBox 4.0.10 (yeah im a new user), but i just dont seem to get a vm correctly installed. Im getting the VM to start, but after hitting the install button of the openSUSE 11.4 bootmenu its loading the kernel. After that i get a big lizard onscreen.

I've been following the article Install the Sun/Oracle VirtualBox in OpenSUSE 11.4, 12.1 or tumbleweed. So far, I installed the Oracle repository at I used Yast to install Oracle VM VirtualBox version 4.1.1878361. I installed kernel-devel, gcc and make. I added my user to vboxusers. Download VirtualBox (Old Builds): VirtualBox 4.3. The Extension Packs in this section are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License. All other binaries are released under the terms of the GPL version 2. By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of the respective license. VirtualBox 4.3.x is no longer supported!

Virtualbox will let me fool in few days.
I do not know from where is the issue but correct me if i'm wrong
I'm using opensue 11.4
1- i download Virtualbox 4.0.6 for Linux from the site :
I'm using firefox as naviguator , once downloading finished i get a pop screen asking for install i click on continue then i enter my root password.
2- then i install VirtualBox 4.0.6 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack also from the site once downloading finished i get a pop screen asking for install i click on continue then i enter my root password.
3- i create my Xp Virtual Machine , on this machine i install some additional stuff regarding virtualbox , it install some drivers , checking my machine it works fine , network too no matter
4- Issue : USB port on my virtual machine do not work

Virtualbox Extension Pack

** i've added my user name to the vboxusers , and the id of the group is 1001

Oracle Virtualbox Extension Pack Linux

** on virtualbox manager > setting > the i tick USB > enable usb 2.0 and i click add i've added my external hard drive
??? i switch on my virtual machine > i go to deveice > usb device > elle the device are greyed i can not mark or tick Oracle Vm Virtualbox Extension Pack Opensuse 11 4
??? usb device are not working
Please help me

Oracle Vm Virtualbox Extension Pack Opensuse 11 4 64

I'm lost