Microsoft Access Ssurgo Template Databasedownload Free Apps
Batch AccessDatabase Compactor is an Access DB Compact, AccessDatabase Compactor that compact and repair accessdatabase easily. The program can compact and repair AccessDatabase without Office installed. Batch AccessDatabase. ...
- setupaxeszip.exe
- Batchwork Software
- Freeware (Free)
- WindowsXP, Vista, 2008, 7
Repair AccessDatabase Free is a very efficient and fast solution for recovering Access .mdb files. Microsoft Access is used by hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world, as well as many more personal users, however the files can become. ...
- RepairAccessDatabaseFreeInstall.exe
- Repair Access
- Freeware (Free)
- 1.18 Mb
- WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win2000, Windows2000, Windows2003,Windows Vista, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005
AccessDatabase Recovery Assistant lets you repair damaged MS Access files without special efforts. You do not have to download an amount of demo software for tryouts. Recovery tool will do all work relating to the possible recovery variants for free. ...
- accessdbra.exe
- Softales Group Inc.
- Freeware (Free)
- 431 Kb
- WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista
EasyProjectDatabase Access Bug and Issue Tracking Project Database - Track and manage project issues, bugs, tasks, risks, and action items using an Accessdatabase. Download the DEMO at ...
- Freeware (Free)
- Win98, WinXP
TSADOM is The Simplest AccessDatabase Object Mapper you can find. TSADOM contains Factorys converting javaObjects to SQLtables or SQLTables to javaObjects. TSADOM generate itself a data mapping that you can overload.
- Simplest Access DatabaseObject Mapper
- uriel
- Freeware (Free)
- Windows
This download will install a set of components that facilitate the transfer of data between existing Microsoft Office files such as Microsoft Office Access 2010 This download will install a set of components that facilitate the transfer of data between existing Microsoft Office files such as Microsoft Office Access 2010 (*.mdb and *.
- AccessDatabaseEngine.exe
- Microsoft
- Freeware (Free)
- 25.57 Mb
- WinXP, Win2003, Win Vista, Window2008
If you a developer you can compare two mdb ( Access 2000 ) databases. And the old database will be upgraded with the new one. Copy the CompareData.mdb and 'newdatabase.mdb' to your 'olddatabase.mdb' directory. And run this application.
- MS ACCESS Database Diff tool
- CsabaKarácsony
- Freeware (Free)
- Windows
This program allows the user to view the tables and data of a JET database, without using Microsoft Access.I designed it because I often have to view the data in JET databases, and installing microsoft access is not an option.
- Microsoft Access DatabaseInterrogator
- EasyBot
- Freeware (Free)
- Windows
EasyProjectDatabase | Access Bug and Issue Tracking Project Database | Track and manage project issues, bugs, tasks, risks, and action items using an Accessdatabase. Download the DEMO at ...
- Freeware (Free)
- Win98, WinXP
MS Access is one of the most popular database management systems on the market with millions of active users around the globe. It's been developed for years and is known for its reliability. However, all database files - MS Accessdatabase files. ...
- MDBRepairFreeInstall.exe
- Freeware (Free)
- 1.21 Mb
- WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win2000, Windows2000, Windows2003,Windows Vista, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005
ApinSoft Access DB Properties Extractor is a professional application designed to display the file properties of Accessdatabase files. for Windows2K, XP, 2003, Vista, Vista64, 7, 7x64. ...
- AccessPropertiesExtractorSetup.exe
- ApinSoft Ltd.
- Freeware (Free)
- Windows2K, XP, 2003, Vista, Vista64, 7, 7x64
DBSync for MS Access & MSSQL is a database synchronizer which performs MS Access (mdb) to MS SQL server and MSSQL to Accessdatabase conversion and synchronization simply by configuring several options in wizard-like application. DBSync for MS. ...
- DMSoft Technologies
- Freeware (Free)
- Windows NT, 2K, XP, 2003, Vista, Vista64, 7, 7x64
Download free business contact manager Access with free Access contact management database. Access contact list template. Small business contact management software free. Client contact management freeware for managing customer contact with Microsoft Access database download for free. Access address book and Access contact list template.

- Database Solutions & Downloads for Microsoft Access - Free downloadable Microsoft Access 97, 2000, XP and 2003 Database Files and Sample database examples for you to use in your own Microsoft Access Database projects. These files are intended to demonstrate particular examples and functionality available within the Microsoft Access development.
- Databases are informative for they contain facts. There are many types of databases that can be created by download access database template. Those of who are interested in tracing genealogical information to making ledger database and tracking of the database can get hold of the free microsoft access templates.
Microsoft Access Ssurgo Template Database Download Free Apps From App Store
Access Database Templates - Access Templates - Access Templates Vb - Ms Access Templates - Access Db TemplatesClick here to view sample Microsoft Access forms and reports needed a way for employees in different states to view and enter orders from their online store. Microsoft Access with an Office 365 hosted Sharepoint 2010 is the perfect solution.
- Orders placed on the web site are pulled into the application automatically — no time wasting and error prone re-keying
- Phone and Purchase Orders are entered directly into the application. If a customer calls with a question, each employee has instant access to the information.
- Orders are exported to QuickBooks on demand, again, avoiding re-keying and errors.
- The application contains a built-in Sharepoint backup to a local Microsoft Access database — just in case.
- Invoices, quotes, and receipts are generated at the press of a button. They can also be emailed to the customer just as easily.
- Every employee has fast desktop access to all aspects of the application.
This image shows the product entry page. Prices are automatically shown based on quantity discounts.
The image to the right shows the Invoice generated by pressing a single button. You can't get much easier than that!

This image shows the form for reporting on orders or generating sales reports by customer, product, or month. The reports can be filtered on virtually any criteria, for instance, to see how a single product has sold each month for the last 3 years, or to find all the orders that have not been paid.
This image shows the Ribbon Bar for navigating through forms. This makes it easy to find exactly what you need.
Charge credit cards directly from your application. Credit cards can be processed through any Merchant Service Provider, and the responses can be stored directly in QuickBooks. Credit cards are encrypted using industry-standard 128-bit encryption for security.
ASK Chemical, a filter manufactuer, needed a way to collect size and weight measurements from scales, calipers, rulers, or via user input. While few businesses need to read devices through serial ports, this application shows that Microsoft Access Pros can handle any request. And, Microsoft Access is perfect for storing the thousands of measurements collected for each part.
Here are some examples of web sites built by They range from sites designed for recording employee data via Blackberries and iPhones to Online Stores and Google Maps.
A company needed a way to track their customers, but also wanted a way for their customers to update their own information and purchase additional services. This screenshot shows some of the information available to staff, with collapsible panels used to maximize screen space.

Knight Janitorial uses a application to record site inspections. Employees use their Blackberries or iPhones to enter the data at customer locations. The data is stored in an MS Access database for offline processing. Employees can also record their hours online, and later view their last four weeks of approved or rejected hours. needed a way for home healthcare businesses to purchase medical supplies. They wanted to make it as easy as possible for customers to reorder the products they purchase the most. So, created custom order forms that each customer can use to select only the products they want on the form. Not only is this convenient for the customer, but it provides a personal touch that helps attract and retain customers. It is also a great sales tool when demoing the web site to potential business customers. Read more about Online Stores.

The City of Port St. Lucie, FL needed to maintain millions of dollars worth of trees and shrubs. Their maintenance department needed to know which trees and shrubs needed pruning or replacing, how to manage their watering systems, and where trees or shrubs are located throughout the city. Working with Masuen Consulting and using a Google Maps application, they are able to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in watering costs and plant replacement costs, while increasing the attractiveness of their city. This application allows them to search for trees and shrubs, edit them from their mobile devices in the field, and import new planting areas with data gathered from a Trimble GPS.
Microsoft Access Ssurgo Template Database Download Free Apps For Pc
The US Hydrofoil Association needed a way for riders to score their competitive trick runs to prepare for competitions or just gauge personal progress. The USHA Scoring Application allows users to select each trick, based on their division. The application then scores the best 10 tricks and displays the results in a grid. Completed trick runs can be saved to html for emailing, or xml for use in a spreadsheet.
Royal Canin uses this application to forward internal sales leads and track them to be sure salespeople contact the potential customers. Salespeople can look up the representatives for other territories on their mobile phones to contact them directly, or fill out a form with the lead information. This has increased sales significantly, and reduced both customer frustrations and salepeople frustrations because leads are no longer lost or dropped.
Microsoft Access Ssurgo Template Database Download Free Apps Download