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We are Oklahoma's premier research and technology development agency in agriculture, natural resources, and the life sciences


As a land-grant institution, research is our life blood. Our primary areas of research are:

  • The 2019 University of Kentucky Research Annual Report provides a snapshot of UK’s research: from record-breaking research grants & contracts, to statewide economic impact and national R&D rankings, to innovative federally funded research projects in the six research priority areas.
  • The Senior Vice Chancellor for Research provides strategic vision, leadership, and partnership expertise that helps University of Pittsburgh faculty and students advance their world-class research, scholarship, and innovation.
  • Crop Production and Protection
  • Animal Production and Protection
  • Environment and Natural Resources
  • Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation
  • Food Safety and Food Insecurity

Research Report Families How COVID-19-Induced Changes to K-12 Enrollment and Poverty Might Affect School Funding Kristin Blagg, Emily Gutierrez, Victoria Lee.

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We operate world class labs, farms, greenhouses and other facilities to enable innovative research.

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Centers & Institutes

Where ideas turn into ground breaking discoveries.

  • The Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center
  • The Water Research & Extension Center
  • The Biobased Products & Energy Center
  • Institute for Biosecurity & Microbial Forensics
  • Institute for Agricultural Biosciences
Discover Our Centers & Institutes

The mission of OSU Ag Research is to conduct research on agriculture, natural resources, rural economies and social issues to increase science-based knowledge and develop technology to improve the lives of Oklahomans.
A broad range of interests and outcomes for OSU Ag Research is key to this mission, because the research ultimately is used throughout the state to provide a safe and affordable food supply; maintain an environmentally sustainable agricultural production system; and preserve precious natural resources for residents’ health and security.
It is a community effort – our research is a collaboration between farmers and ranchers, agriculture commodity groups, industry, state agencies and federal competitive grants. Expenditures, which total more than $50 million annually, directly support Oklahoma’s agricultural industry, further driving the need for more research.


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OSU Ferguson Family Dairy Visitor Center

The OSU Ferguson Family Dairy Center opens its new visitor center and robotic milker, utilizing the latest industry technology.


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