Imagineer Systems Monet Crack
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“One program that combines powerful Planar Tracking with tools for Roto, Object Removal, Lens Calibration, Stabilization, 3D Camera Solver and more. mocha Pro integrates with all industry-popular applications and is the ideal post production utility for feature films, broadcast, and finishing. Whether solving tracks and match moves, removing unwanted pixels or cutting roto mattes… mocha Pro dramatically saves time.”
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- Planar Tracker – Honored in 2013 with Science & Engineering Academy Award
- Lens: Analyze and calibrate lens distortion. Render or export.
- Remove: Faster than clone & paint. Remove unwanted objects, create clean plates.
- Roto: Designed for professional roto artists to work more efficiently and share projects.
- 3D Camera Solve: Built on Planar Tracker, a unique alternative to feature tracking.
- 3D Camera Export to: After Effects and FBX (Nuke, Maya, Cinema 4D & more)
- Stabilize with Auto-Fill, Insert with Mesh Warper and more
What’s New
- RED (R3D) file support
- Lens Improvements: Export Distortion Maps to AE, Nuke, Flame, Fusion & more.
- Improved Roto: Transform Tool and Join Layers (parent control points).
- Project Management: Organize and group layers. Share and merge projects.
- Dope Sheet: keyframe editor simplifies animation retiming, copy & paste.
Supports Industry Popular Applications
Apple Final Cut & Motion, Adobe After Effects, Avid|DS, Assimilate Scratch, Autodesk Flame & Smoke, Boris FX, Eyeon Fusion, Quantel, Red Giant Warp and Nuke.
Render mattes, inserts, lens undistorts and removes for any editing or finishing system.
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