Pokemon Battle Revolution
Bring Your Battles to the Big Screen!Pokemon Battle Revolution takes place on an island called Poketopia, where you goal is to battle your way through challenging Colosseums to become the Poketopia Master Product information ASIN B000UZ9HFO Customer Reviews: 4.1. Pokemon Battle Revolution 2 is a game for the Wii U. Despite the name, I don't know if I'd call this game a sequel, per se. 1 The Grand Poke Park 2 Moving Around 3 The Player's Avatar 4 The Player's Battle Pass 5 Battle Tokens 6 Nintendo DS and 3DS Connectivity 7 The Coliseums This is where Pokemon Battle Revolution 2 takes place. The Grand Poke Park is a very big amusement park.
The generation 8 version of BSS Factory has now been added and can be found under Randomized Metas. You'll receive 6 BSS Pokemon and have to choose 3 to battle with. Help can be found in Battle Stadium or the discussion thread. —HoeenHero on Jan 8, 2021 Permalink. Summary: Using the wireless connection between the DS and Wii, owners of Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl can use their handheld as a controller in playing Pokemon Battle Revolution. Players can give orders to their Pokemons using the DS, and then watch the result of the battle on the TV screen.
Pokémon Battle Revolution was actually the first Pokémon game to be released on the Nintendo Wii. I would say that this is one of the more forgotten Pokémon games and when you think of the Wii and Pokémon, you usually think about the Poke Park series of games. Is there a good reason no one talks about Pokémon Battle Revolution?
Have You Seen My RPG?
I loved what Pokémon Stadium did on the Nintendo 64. Then what Pokémon Coliseum did on the Game Cube to that concept to a whole new level and added in an RPG to it! So, it goes without saying that most people would expect the more advanced, Pokémon Battle Revolution to have an RPG too. That is not the case, instead of being like the two Pokémon games for Game Cube, this actually has more in common with Pokémon Stadium on the Nintendo 64 in that it is just all about battles.
Welcome To Poketopia!
The idea of the game is that it takes place in a battle theme park called Poketopia. There are 11 different coliseums for Pokémon to battle here and each one has something different about it. For example, The Crystal Coliseum is there for a 16-trainer tournament and the Neon Coliseum is like a game show where a spinning wheel dictates what Pokémon you can use. I like the idea of this as it does add some variety to the game.
Do You Have Pokémon Diamond or Pearl?

Pokémon Battle Revolution is designed to go hand in hand with Pokémon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS. Like the previous console games, you take your Pokémon from your handheld game and put them into this game. If you do not do this you have to “rent” Pokémon and sorry to say, that feature flat out sucks! If you have Diamond or Pearl (or even both) then you will have a much better time with this game.
Play With A Friend
At the time Pokémon Battle Revolution was the first game to use Nintendo Online and it was very barebones. Sadly, this is the same case for the local multiplayer too. With the single-player mode being so lacking I do feel that the multiplayer is where you will get the most enjoyment out of it, but again much of this will depend on if you have Pokémon Diamond or Pearl.
Pokémon Look Great!
One thing that this game does better than the two on the Game Cube did is the visuals. At this point in time, your favorite Pokémon had never looked as good as they do here. They look great just standing there, but even the animations are very well done. I am very impressed with the visuals in this game and feel they hold up very well to this day.
I would not say that Pokémon Battle Revolution is a bad game, but apart from the visuals. It feels like a massive step back from what the two Game Cube Pokémon games offered. They really should have added in some kind of single-player story to this game. Also, the fact that it is so dependent on Diamond and Pearl is a bit annoying. Still for a die-hard Pokémon fan I am sure there are hours of fun to be had here.
- The Pokémon look amazing
- Even the animations are impressive
- It is great if you have Diamond or Pearl
- It is very easy to get into
- I like how each coliseum has its own gimmick
- There is not much to do apart from battle
- Just a very barebones kind of game
If the arrival of the latest Pokémon adventure has reignited your passion for Nintendo’s creature catching classic, Battle Revolution is the perfect way to see your DS monsters getting busy on the big screen. But if you haven’t taken the time to get the most from the Diamond or Pearl editions, avoid this bewildering spin-off at all costs.
For Pokémon devotees, this Wii offshoot is a joy; by linking your DS and home console, your shoddy-looking Pokémon collection can be stylishly recreated in 3D, breathing life into the chunky monsters you’ve nurtured on the bus and allowing them to get down to the serious business of battling using the skills you’ve taught them.

Pokemon Battle Revolution Rom
Moreover, Battle Revolution’s online capabilities mean you can challenge other players over the internet and test your mettle against the world’s best trainers, playing to the community aspect of the game and allowing Pokémaniacs to earn money and transfer valuable items back to their DS game card.
Pokemon Battle Revolution Free Download
However, for Pokémon virgins, Battle Revolution is a complete waste of time and money, only offering a limited number of trainers to choose from, each with a predetermined roster of monsters that must be used in the upcoming battles. And as the monstrous skirmishes will look achingly dull to the uninitiated who don’t understand the subtleties of the game, it’s impossible to recommend Battle Revolution to anyone who hasn’t already been bewitched by Nintendo’s pocket dwellers.