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A cartoony fighting game with surprising response controls.

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Naruto The Way Of The Ninja is a fighting game you can play on your PC. It has a classic arcade feel, and it was made and produced originally for the Japanese market. It is very easy to play, though it does rise above games where all you have to do is smash the buttons. There is a little bit of skill involved, but what makes the game playable is twofold. The first reason is how responsive the controls are, and the second is the unexpected amount of moves you can pull off.

The Number Of Moves You Can Pull Off

When you first start playing the game you may be unimpressed by how many fighting moves you can pull off, but if you learn how to do combinations, then you add something new to the game. Once you start getting two to five combos you are on the right track, but if you work hard, you can start getting serious amounts of combo hits. There are people on YouTube that have combo-hit scores of 29 hits in one flurry.

How Responsive The Controls Are

Naruto rise of a ninja isoNaruto

You can fight very quickly when playing Naruto The Way Of The Ninja. You tap a button and your player pulls off the move in as long as it takes you to move your finger from the button. As a result, two players that know what they are doing can have a very quick and frenzied fight. Many fighting games make the controls less responsive so that people can pull off special moves through pressing a combination of buttons. This game hasn’t slowed the controls or reactions in any way.

Will I Enjoy The Game?

Naruto Rise Of A Ninja Pc Download Free Fast Angry Bros

Yes, for a short while you will enjoy the game quite a bit, especially if you start learning how to pull off combinations and such. What may bother you is the fact that the game doesn’t offer much repeat playability. Once you have mastered the game, there is really no reason to return to it. If you are playing it with friends, then it may have some replay value, otherwise it is just a fun jaunt for a little while to kill some time.


  • Very responsive controls
  • Easy to learn and get the hang of
  • Pace the fight at whatever speed you wish
  • A colourful and bright gaming experience
  • Combos make the game more engaging


Naruto Rise Of A Ninja Pc Download Free Fast Angry Full

  • The 2D graphics are a little too old for some people
  • Some gamers will not appreciate the vintage arcade feel
  • After a while you will tire of it and never return