Classroom Linksmr. P's Classroom
Every teacher, new and veteran, has faced the classroom management dilemma. A day where the classroom has just imploded. Yelling, laughing, and throwing erasers across the room. A full-time teacher can give a certain look, a certain tone, a sharp whistle, or flicking the lights off and on a few times, will bring the Wild Things back from the brink.
But what do you do when those aren’t your full-time students? As substitute teachers, we know how we are perceived. The students hear that they’re having a sub and immediately hope you step into the room, pushing the TV cart. Kids, no matter the age, will sometimes act out when a sub is in the room. Whether you’re the full time teacher, or today’s sub, the Three P’s of Classroom Management will help you get through the day, and maintain a calm and productive classroom.
कोरोना काल के दोहे Teacher and student#2 kanpuriya jokes mjo Ps vines classroom comedy This video is only for intertainment.
Classroom by Lorell® is competitively priced American-made classroom furniture. The line includes colorful stacking student chairs, student desks, and activity tables all available in multiple sizes and covered by the Lorell ® Limited Lifetime Warranty. Stacking student chairs add color to your classroom and offer color-coding opportunities for learning stations and more. Google Classroom has so many tools that make sharing and completing online work easier for our scholars and teachers. Please explore the links and information on this page to help you understand how to navigate Google Classroom.
The first P of Classroom Management is Preparation. Kids tend to get into trouble during transition time. You’re looking for that stack of worksheets and Timmy throws his pencil across the room, setting off a chain reaction of giggles and retaliation while your back is turned. You’re reading the lesson plan and by the time you’re ready to start the lesson, the class’s focus has wandered away. In order to keep transition times short, you must be prepared. The most manageable way to do this is to prepare your day in chunks. Before school, make sure you understand the lesson plans for, and have materials ready for, the lessons between the start of school and recess. During recess, do the same for the lessons between recess and lunch. And during lunch, prepare for the lessons between lunch and dismissal. This means that you are totally prepared, won’t be fumbling with notes, have all copies at hand, and know where all materials are located. If you keep up the pace, the students will have less time to get themselves into trouble.
Who do you want captaining your cruise ship? Someone loud, fumbling, easily flustered or quick-tempered? Of course not! You want to set a tone of calm efficiency in the classroom. You are the captain of this ship!
Start the day by greeting each child warmly at the door, looking them in the eye with a smile.
Give simple, informative directions. Don’t simply tell them “Okay, let’s line up!”. Be more informative! “Row 1, please grab your lunch boxes and walk to the line. Now Row 2.” Students are more likely to follow directions if they know exactly what is expected.
Speak in a soft tone. You want students listening intently. Additionally, if you speak softly, it will keep the volume of the classroom low.
This is one of the easiest ways to manage a classroom, and the one most often overlooked. When we see “classrooms” on TV or in movies, we see a teacher standing behind a podium in front of rows of students. In this lecturing model, the teacher is only in close proximity to the first row of students. As the teacher, we need to make sure we are moving around the classroom. Even if you are lecturing, or reading aloud, make sure to move around the room every few minutes. Walk through the rows, go to students who need help or ask questions, and keep moving. The closer you are to students, the more you can help them stay focused, and cut down on any ‘shananagins’ that might happen when you’re not looking.
With the Three P’s of Classroom Management, you’ll be well on your way to a peaceful, calm day in the classroom! Did you enjoy this article? Contact us!
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Strategies to use when volunteering in the classroom
Classroom Linksmr. P's Classroom Lesson
What is the Classroom Helper Program?
The Classroom helpers’ program is a program designed for teachers and parents to work together to assist children in the development of:
- Reading
- Writing
- Numeracy skills
How do I become a classroom helper?
Please see your child’s teacher if you are available to assist in the classroom. Once you have communicated a time with your child’s teacher, each time you visit the school to assist in the classroom you will need to sign in and out at the front office through Compass. Please note, we cannot accommodate younger siblings when volunteering in the classroom.
The teacher will direct you to the activities you will be supporting, they may include:
- Reading- Home reading, small group activities (purposeful reading tasks), rhymes and chants, alphabet tasks, M100W testing
- Writing- supporting writing with individuals or small groups of children
- Spelling- M100W activities or testing
Strategies to help early readers:
- Look at the picture
- Initial sounds
- Stretch it out
- Chunking
- Look for smaller words in bigger words
- Check for meaning
If a student is struggling:
- Give them time to try
- Provide two prompts
- Give them the answer.
Comprehension Strategies:
- Prediction
- Connections
- Retell
- Inferring (prior knowledge + evidence from text = inference)
Other discussion points:
- Talk about the story
- Ask questions
- Encourage students to show you evidence from the book
- Discuss the characters
- Link to prior knowledge
Supporting Early Writers:
- Draw and talk about your ideas first
- Record initial sounds
- Record dominant sounds
- Record known words
- Use M100W lists or the word wall
- Practise on a whiteboard
- Reread your writing to check if it makes sense.
Punctuation prompts:“Have you got finger spaces between your words?”“It’s not a sentence unless it has a capital letter and a full stop”. Supporting students in 3 -6:
- Engage your child’s interests in literacy
- Read and discuss a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts, including newspapers (‘kidsnews’), digital texts (Reading Eggs/ Reading Eggspress), chapter books, picture storybooks, information texts etc.
- Develop instant recognition of a large number of high-frequency words
- Notice and use the punctuation to develop fluency when reading aloud
- Identify the main idea and use evidence from the text to justify
- Identify interesting words when reading, discuss their meaning and try to incorporate them into writing or everyday language
- Encourage children to write shorter pieces of writing, with a focus on rereading and editing to improve language, interest and meaning
Using classroom materials provide plenty of opportunities for students to model, read and record numbers. Below are some of the materials students will use in the classroom:
- Dominoes
- Dice
- Icy pole sticks
- Ten frames
- Unifix blocks
- MAB (Year 2 onwards)
Classroom Linksmr. P's Classroom Objectives
Making, Counting, Drawing and Talking Numbers: Using classroom materials and games, provide plenty of opportunity for students to:
- Count collections/objects
- Make and draw collections
- Identify and record numbers in numerals and words.
Language to use when talking numbers: Languages such as plus, minus, equals and their corresponding symbols (+, - , =) are not introduced until the later stages of Prep or Year 1. Language to use in Prep when counting:
- 4 and 2 is 6
- 3 and 2 more make 5
- 6 is 3 and 3 more
- 2 and 2 is 4, and 1 more is 5
- 5 take away 3 is 2
- 4 teddies take away 2 teddies, how many are left?
- How many teddies are there altogether?
- 3 teddies and 3 teddies more make how many altogether?
Y1 onwards
- 2 + 2 What is the sum?
- 5 - 3 What is the difference?
Years 3 -6
Classroom Linksmr. P's Classroom Activities
- 2 x 2 What is the product?
- 8 ÷ 2 What is the quotient?
Supporting students in 3 -6:
- Play dice and card games to develop fluency with basic facts. Repetitive practise is key to developing fluency.
- Support strategies for mental computation using the partitioning of numbers. Avoid jumping to rote vertical algorithms too early.
- Involve children in shopping decisions including the calculations of costs and change.
- Look to discuss maths in the everyday environment - shapes, angles, symmetry, etc.
- Discuss, calculate and compare sporting results. Explore statistics and graphs.
- Let your children navigate travel journeys, read maps and estimate distance and duration.
- Encourage your children to read and interpret timetables when using public transport.
- Ask you, children, the time on analogue clocks using “minutes to” and “minutes past” language. Ask questions relating to 24-hour time and elapsed time.
- Discuss the weather and temperature including differences in min and max temperature, averages and negative numbers.
- Read recipes together with the discuss increasing and decreasing the scale of ingredients (halving and doubling).
- Complete tasks on Mangahigh (Years 4 & 5 only).
General Information
Other classroom activities you may be involved with:
- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
- ICT – supporting children in general digital skills (e.g. iPad use)
- Inquiry sessions
- Swimming program
- Other (Excursions, Incursions, etc.)
- Expert Mentor/Presenter
You can support children in the classroom by:
- Asking open-ended questions
- Pausing and waiting for answers
- Giving prompts
- Rephrasing while supporting their attempts
- Being an active listener
- Offering praise
- Prompting use of classroom resources
- Allowing all children to have a say